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Resource Classroom


Daily and student affairs guidance:

Various forms of support for daily living , such as peer assistance, care and support, assistive devices borrowing application, work-study referrals, subsidy application, and other forms of support.

Academic Guidance:

Academic Guidance including academic tutoring, early warning and care, textbook translation, special needs reporting, exam adjustments, and other academic support.


Personal or group counseling sessions, referral to professional counseling organizations, psychological tests, organization of growth groups, periodic care for adaptation, and other forms of psychological support.

Transfer Counseling:

Conducting transfer meetings for new students to adapt to campus life, career counseling, organizing graduation transfer meetings to provide employment information for graduates, and conducting follow-up counseling for the first half year after graduation.

Social Adaptation:

Organizing various interpersonal interaction activities to increase communication opportunities and promote emotional adaptation.


Service Hours/ Monday to Friday, from 08:30 to 21:00 (closed at night during winter and summer vacations).

Service Location/ Resource Classroom of the Counseling Center (located across from the photography department in the A3 business district).


TEL/ 05-2724726.

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